We are on the mission of Developing
Active Minds,
Curious Brains
& Happy souls!
Are you giving your child the opportunity to be Future-Ready?
Then do not waste another precious year waiting for perfect time or become normal.
The pandemic may have changed the vehicle in which we deliver learning. What has not changed is the experience of learning itself – with the same focus on experiential, play-based learning, our endeavour is to forever inspire curiosity and self-expression in our little ones.
Experience The Revolutionary Blended Learning Approach At OrugaFun@Home
What is Blended Learning at OrugaFun@Home?

How OrugaFun@Home is Unique and Different?

Age-Appropriate Curriculum

Blended Learning

Live Recorded Sessions

1:10 Child To Teacher Ratio

Continuous Assessment

Parent Partnership

Culmination Activities

360 Degree Development of child
What are the classes offered under OrugaFun@Home?
We offer following classes as per mentioned age groups:
- Little Explorer (1.5 – 3 years)
- Nursery (3 – 4 years)
- LKG (4 – 5 years)
- UKG (5 – 6 years)
- KidsClub (3 – 8 years)
- Kidzofit (3 – 8 years)
What is Blended Learning?
Blended Learning Includes:
- Online interactive classes
- Offline Homeplays
- Online Hands on activity sessions
- Online Fitness Sessions
- Resources Kit
What is the timings of class?
We will update it soon
Why child shall go to preschool?
Research has proved that up to the age of 5 years, the brain forms as many as 700 neural connections per second. As the pace of development in these early years is extremely rapid, it becomes crucial to give the right knowledge, exposure and experiences to the children at this stage. The impressions formed in their minds during these formative years are known to last a lifetime. That is why irrespective of mode of learning (online or offline) child must attain preschool.
What if schools open offline in mid term?
We are going to complete the online session for this entire year. It is upto parents to choose the mode of learning.
How many children are there in one batch?
15 children per batch with 2 educators
What to choose among homeschooling kits or Online interactive schooling?
The homeschooling kits are nothing but the learning material but as you know early learning is all about experience! The “expertise” to use these resources given in kit appropriately are not easily available with those kits. While in the interactive online class teacher with your child’s pace and connection between educator and child develops. Ultimately child’s learning journey becomes easy and happy.